[Updated June 2024] Sierra Pokemon Go Lineup & Encounters

by Aria Ford

Updated on 2024-07-26


5min read

If you’re looking to take on Team Go Rocket Leader Sierra in Pokemon Go, knowing her current lineup is crucial. Yes, Sierra regularly switches up the Pokemon she uses, and as we enter June 2024, Niantic has once again updated Sierra’s roster of Shadow Pokemon.

In this guide, we’ll reveal Sierra’s complete June 2024 lineup, including the Pokemon she uses in each of the three battle phases. We’ll also provide detailed analysis on the best counters and strategies to defeat each of Sierra’s Pokemon.

three battle phases | sierra pokemon go

Part 1: What Is Sierra Pokemon Go Line Up

Sierra Pokemon Go usually boasts challenging lineup of Pokémon that players must prepare for each month. For the line up in June 2024, it is diversified into three phases, with each phases featuring a set of possible Pokémon she might use.

We’ve shared the list of Sierra Pokémon lineup for different phases in June 2024 below.

Phase 1

A. Shadow Trapinch (Ground-type)

Sierra Pokémon lineup | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 45 200 294
Attack 100 184 328
Defense 45 85 207
SP. Atk 45 85 207
SP.Def 45 85 207
Speed 10 22 130
Total 290 / /

Trapinch is a Ground-type Pokémon introduced in Generation III, known for its distinctive orange, insectoid appearance with a large head and powerful jaws. This Pokemon digs conical pits in desert sand to trap prey, and can survive a week without food or water. However, it’s weak to Grass, Water, and Ice-type moves, making it vulnerable to Pokémon like Kartana, Kyogre, and Mamoswine.

Phase 2

A. Shadow Sableye (Dark and Ghost-type)

shadow sableye | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 50 210 304
Attack 75 139 273
Defense 75 139 273
SP. Atk 65 121 251
SP.Def 65 121 251
Speed 50 94 218
Total 380 / /

Sableye is a Dark/Ghost type Pokémon introduced in Generation 3. It is known as the Darkness Pokémon and has a unique combination of abilities, including its resistance to several common move types, which makes it a tricky opponent. Also, this Pokemon is boosted by Fog weather and has a shiny variant available.

  • Best Moveset: Shadow Claw (Fast Move) and Foul Play (Charge Move)
  • Weaknesses: Fairy-type moves (takes 160% damage)
  • Resistances: Normal, Psychic, Fighting, and Poison moves (takes reduced damage)

B. Shadow Milotic (Water-type)

Shadow Milotic | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 95 300 394
Attack 60 112 240
Defense 79 146 282
SP. Atk 100 184 328
SP.Def 125 229 383
Speed 81 150 287
Total 540 / /

Milotic is often considered one of the most aesthetically pleasing Pokémon. But what makes it hard to defeat n battles is its high stamina and defense.

Also, this Pokemon is boosted by Rain weather and also has a shiny variant available.

  • Best Moveset: Waterfall (Fast Move) and Surf (Charge Move)
  • Weaknesses: Electric and Grass-type moves (takes 160% damage)
  • Resistances: Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water moves (takes reduced damage)

C. Shadow Honchkrow (Dark- and Flying-type)

shadow honchkrow | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 100 310 404
Attack 125 229 383
Defense 52 98 223
SP. Atk 105 193 339
SP.Def 52 98 223
Speed 75 132 265
Total 505 / /

Honchkrow is a Pokémon introduced in Generation 4, and it’s also referred to as the “Big Boss Pokémon”. This Pokemon has a distinctive appearance with a large, hat-like crest and a menacing demeanor.

Honchkrow is notorious for leading flocks of Murkrow, often using them to gather food and execute its commands. Plus, it has abilities like Insomnia, which prevents it from falling asleep, and Super Luck, which increases its critical-hit ratio.

  • Best Moveset: Snarl (Fast Move) and Sky Attack (Charge Move)
  • Weaknesses: Electric, Fairy, Ice, and Rock-type moves (takes 160% damage)
  • Resistances: Ground, Psychic, Dark, Ghost, and Grass moves (takes reduced damage)

Phase 3

A. Alakazam (Psychic-type)

alakazam | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min(for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 55 220 314
Attack 50 94 218
Defense 45 85 207
SP. Atk 135 247 405
SP.Def 95 175 317
Speed 120 220 372
Total 290 / /

Alakazam is a Psychic-type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1. Renowned for its incredible intelligence and psychic powers, Alakazam has an IQ of 5000 and can remember everything it has experienced since birth. It is often depicted holding spoons, which it uses to amplify its telekinetic powers. And it is capable of learning a wide array of Psychic-type moves.

  • Best Moveset:Fast Move: Fire Spin
  • Weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, Dark
  • Resistances: Fighting, Psychic
  • Houndoom (Dark- and Fire-type)

Houndoom | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 75 260 354
Attack 50 166 306
Defense 90 94 218
SP. Atk 110 202 350
SP.Def 80 148 284
Speed 95 175 317
Total 500 / /

Houndoom, also known as the “Dark Pokémon, has a fearsome appearance resembling a demonic dog, complete with horns and a skeletal pattern on its back. It evolves from Houndour and can Mega Evolve into Mega Houndoom, gaining increased power and a more intimidating look.

Houndoom’s abilities include Early Bird, which allows it to wake up quickly from sleep, and Flash Fire, which boosts its Fire-type moves when hit by a Fire-type attack. Its hidden ability, Unnerve, prevents opposing Pokémon from using their held Berries.

  • Best Moveset:Fast Move: Snarl
  • Weaknesses: Rock, Fighting, Ground, Water
  • Resistances: Psychic, Fire, Dark, Steel, Ghost, Ice, Grass
  • Victreebel (Grass- and Poison-type)

victreebel | sierra pokemon go

Features Stats (0 EVs, 0 IVs) Min (for a level 100 Pokémon) Max (for a level 100 Pokémon)
HP 80 270 364
Attack 105 193 339
Defense 65 121 251
SP. Atk 100 184 328
SP.Def 70 130 262
Speed 70 130 262
Total 290

Victreebel is a Grass/Poison type Pokémon introduced in Generation, and it’s also known as the “Flycatcher Pokémon”. This Pokemon has a pitcher plant-like appearance, complete with a large, gaping mouth used to trap and digest prey. It is often found in dense forests, using its sweet-smelling lure to attract unsuspecting victims.

  • Best Moveset: Fast Move: Razor Leaf
  • Weaknesses: Fire, Flying, Ice, Psychic
  • Resistances: Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Water

Part 2:  Sierra Pokemon Go Encounter Phase 1

Trapinch Counters

Trapinch Counters Pokemon Name Best Moveset
Primal Kyogre | sierra pokemon go Primal Kyogre Waterfall (Fast Move) & Origin Pulse (Charge Move)
Mega Sceptile | sierra pokemon go Mega Sceptile Bullet Seed (Fast Move) & Frenzy Plant (Charge Move)
Mega Swampert | sierra pokemon go Mega Swampert Water Gun (Fast Move) & Hydro Cannon (Charge Move)
Kartana | sierra pokemon go Kartana Razor Leaf (Fast Move) & Leaf Blade (Charge Move)
Weavile | sierra pokemon go Weavile Ice Shard (Fast Move) & Avalanche (Charge Move)
Gyarados | sierra pokemon go Gyarados Waterfall (Fast Move) & Hydro Pump (Charge Move)

Part 3: Sierra Pokemon Go Encounter Phase 2

Milotic Counters

Milotic Counters Pokemon Name Best Moveset
Kartana | sierra pokemon go Kartana Razor Leaf (Fast Move) & Leaf Blade (Charge Move)
Xurkitree | sierra pokemon go Xurkitree Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Discharge (Charge Move)
Thundurus | sierra pokemon go Thundurus (Therian) Volt Switch (Fast Move) & Wildbolt Storm (Charge Move)
Mega Manectric | sierra pokemon go > Mega Manectric Thunder Fang (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move)
Electivire | sierra pokemon go Electivire Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move)
Magnezone | sierra pokemon go Magnezone Spark (Fast Move) & Wild Charge (Charge Move)

Sableye Counters

Sableye Counters Pokemon Name Best Movesets
Gardevoir | sierra pokemon go Mega Gardevoir Charm (Fast Move) & Dazzling Gleam (Charge Move)
Xerneas | sierra pokemon go Xerneas Geomancy (Fast Move) & Moonblast (Charge Move)
Granbull | sierra pokemon go Granbull Charm (Fast Move) & Play Rough (Charge Move)
Xurkitree | sierra pokemon go Xurkitree Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Dazzling Gleam (Charge Move)
Primarina | sierra pokemon go Primarina Charm (Fast Move) & Moonblast (Charge Move)
Mega Diancie | sierra pokemon go Mega Diancie Rock Throw (Fast Move) & Moonblast (Charge Move)

Honchkrow Counters

Honchkrow Counters Pokemon Name Best Moveset
Mega Diancie | sierra pokemon go Mega Diancie

Rock Throw (Fast Move) & Dazzling Gleam (Charge Move)

Mega Gardevoir | sierra pokemon go Mega Gardevoir

Charm (Fast Move) & Dazzling Gleam (Charge Move)

Xurkitree | sierra pokemon go Xurkitree

Thunder Shock (Fast Move) & Discharge (Charge Move)

Thundurus | sierra pokemon go Thundurus (Therian)

Volt Switch (Fast Move) & Wildbolt Storm (Charge Move)

Rampardos | sierra pokemon go Rampardos (Shadow)

Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Slide (Charge Move)

Rhyperior | sierra pokemon go Rhyperior (Shadow)

Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Wrecker (Charge Move)

Part 4: Sierra Pokemon Go Encounter Phase 3

Houndoom Counters

Houndoom Counters Pokemon Name Best Movesets
Rhyperior | sierra pokemon go Terrakion Double Kick (Fast Move) & Sacred Sword (Charge Move)
Rampardos | sierra pokemon go Rampardos Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Slide (Charge Move)
Rhyperior | sierra pokemon go Rhyperior Smack Down (Fast Move) & Rock Wrecker (Charge Move)
Conkeldurr | sierra pokemon go Conkeldurr Counter (Fast Move) & Dynamic Punch (Charge Move)
Lucario | sierra pokemon go Lucario Counter (Fast Move) & Aura Sphere (Charge Move)
Glaceon | sierra pokemon go Glaceon Ice Shard (Fast Move) & Water Pulse (Charge Move)

Alakazam Counters

Alakazam Counters Pokemon Name Best Movesets
Mega Tyranitar | sierra pokemon go Mega Tyranitar Bite (Fast Move) & Brutal Swing (Charge Move)
Gengar | sierra pokemon go Gengar Shadow Claw (Fast Move) & Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
Chandelure | sierra pokemon go Chandelure Hex (Fast Move) & Shadow Ball (Charge Move)
Darkrai | sierra pokemon go Darkrai Snarl (Fast Move) & Dark Pulse (Charge Move)
Hydreigon | sierra pokemon go Hydreigon Bite (Fast Move) & Brutal Swing (Charge Move)
Weavile | sierra pokemon go Weavile Snarl (Fast Move) & Foul Play (Charge Move)

Victreebel counters

Victreebel Counters Pokemon Name Best Moveset
Rayquaza | sierra pokemon go Rayquaza/Mega Rayquaza Air Strike (Fast Move) & Dragon Ascent (Charge Move)
Mewtwo | sierra pokemon go Mewtwo/Shadow Mewtwo Confusion (Fast Move) & Psystrike (Charge Move)
Alakazam | sierra pokemon go Alakazam/Mega Alakazam Confusion (Fast Move) & Psychic (Charge Move)
Charizard | sierra pokemon go Charizard/Mega Charizard Fire Spin (Fast Move) & Blast Burn (Charge Move)
Blaziken | sierra pokemon go Blaziken/Mega Blaziken Fire Spin (Fast Move) & Blast Burn (Charge Move)
Weavile | sierra pokemon go Weavile Ice Shard (Fast Move) & Avalanche (Charge Move)

Part 5: How to Beat Sierra Pokemon Go

Beating Sierra Pokemon Go is not an easy task. However, there are some tips you can use to enhance your chances of winning a battle against any Sierra Pokemon. Check out the tips we shared below;

  • Tip 1: Use a Balanced Team: A team consisting of Xurkitree, Weavile, and Glaceon is recommended for general coverage. Xurkitree handles Electric-type needs, Weavile covers Ice and Dark-type moves, and Glaceon provides additional Ice-type coverage.
  • Tip 2: Burn Shields Early: Use fast-charging moves to burn through Sierra’s shields quickly.
  • Tip 3: Adapt Your Team: If you lose, adjust your team based on the Pokémon Sierra used in your previous attempt.
  • Tip 4: Utilize Strong Pokémon: Even if they are not the perfect counters, strong Pokémon with high CP and good movesets can help you win through sheer force.

Bonus: How to Find Sierra Pokemon Go Without Walking

Finding Sierra in Pokemon can be quite tricky. However, with a location spoofing app like iWhere iPhone Location Changer, you can easily teleport to regions where you can encounter Sierra without leaving your couch.  This tool utilizes advanced technological algorithm to manipulate your iPhone location, making you appear in any selected region on Pokemon Go effortlessly.  

What makes iWhere iPhone Location stand out is its support for more than one location spoofing modes. It allows you to change your location in Pokmeon Go using one-stop mode, multi-stop mode, or joystick mode. And you can use these modes to create routes in Pokemon Go within a few clicks.

Also, iWhere support customization of movement speed, location history, collection of favorite spots, map zoom in/out, and lots more that you can use to take your Pokemon Go gaming adventure to the next level. Besides, it’s 100% safe to use. So, you don’t need to woryy about the risk of getting banned.

Key Features

  • Allows location spoofing on all iPhone models, including iPhone 15 without requiring rooting or jailbreak.
  • Supports importation and collection of custom location settings for Pokemon Go via GPX file.
  • Automatically plan and generate routes to fake location in Pokemon Go using one-stop and multi-stop modes.
  • Facilitates free movement in any region around the globe with its flexible joystick.

Steps to Use iWhere iPhone Location Changer to Find Sierra Pokemon Go Without Walking

Step 1: Launch the iWhere iPhone Location Changer app and click the “Start” button to begin the operation.

iWhere iPhone Location Changer | sierra pokemon go

Step 2: Connect your iPhone to the computer using a compatible USB cable and trust the device from your iPhone when prompted. After that, click  on “Multi-stop Mode” from the tool’s interface.

Connect your iPhone1 | sierra pokemon go

Step 3: iWhere will load its map with your current location.  All you have to do is to select the “Spots” where you want to find Sierra Pokemon (Click “Use this Site” after every spot you select). Then, the tool will create a route automatically.

Sierra Pokemon | sierra pokemon go

Step 4: Adjust other relevant settings line moving speed and click on Start Move to apply the location changes.

Adjust other relevant | sierra pokemon go


Facing off against Sierra Pokemon is tough. Her diverse team requires a carefully constructed battle party to handle their varying types and movesets effectively. However, with the right counters and tactics, taking down this Rocket Leader is achievable.

The article on this page has covered the best encounters you can use to defeat Sierra Pokemons in phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3. Plus, we introduced the best location spoofing app that you can use to find Sierra Pokemon quickly. All you just need to do is combine the tips we’ve provided to find Sierra Pokemon and defeat them.

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